Monday 2 March 2015

Last Sunday I decided to go on a last minute trip to Brighton. This was especially exciting for me since I had never seen the ocean before. I was expecting to be excited, and to be amazed by the beauty, but my expectations didn’t even come close to the reality of what the ocean is like.

 This is something that doesn’t occur very often—usually your expectations exceed what the event ends up actually being. This was different though. I have never seen something so beautiful, peaceful, and serene before. My eyes couldn’t believe themselves when they saw the endlessness—the epitome of the meaning of ‘vast.’ I still cannot comprehend or wrap my mind around the beauty of it all. I truly felt like a child again, that feeling I used to get Christmas morning as a kid came back. I felt like I was looking ahead to the rest of the world.

I was looking at the water as it danced under the sunlight, and the waves looked ever so graceful. It was then when I thought of how powerful they are. These waves can kill, and contain such terrifying things, but somehow appear so graceful and beautiful--it is a hidden power, a majestic power. All of these thoughts kept racing through my mind and I couldn’t help but being perplexed and mesmerized by it all. There is beauty in nature which surrounds us everywhere, but there is something special about the ocean. 

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